Find centering and invite your friends (even with masks and distancing)
Stacie Mallinson is available to come to your retreat, outdoor event, or family property to lead through a healing, spiritually centering, and health-giving yoga. She has a wide range of customizable options. Contact us for a consultation or to invite her to your event. We will work with any size group, and we can be flexible on fees, depending on ability to pay, travel requirements, and size of the event. While Stacie can indeed offer vinyasa and other more active styles of yoga, she is especially interested in opportunities to help people find peace through yin, gentle, and restorative forms of yoga for all age groups and all experience levels.
We can bring props and sound that is tailored to your venue, or work with what you have.
We also welcome inquiries about pro-bono opportunities to help work with underserved communities, young people who have experienced trauma.
Optional Add-ONs
Live Music. We also have a network of friends who can add to any experience, such as a solo cellist, a master of the healing keyboards, soothing classical guitar, and a low key DJ with some experimintal aural medicine.
Yoga and Religion Workshop. In addition to the actual yoga practice, we can offer interactive presentations tailored to your group’s background. Stacie can bring along her partner Jeff (D.Phil. Oxford, historian of philosophy and religion) for a talk on various historical, religious, and spiritual aspects of yoga practice.
Learning from the Tao Te Ching and Taoist Yoga. Given their love of translating and studying the Tao Te Ching, Stacie (and/or Jeff) welcome invitations to present lessons on ways to incorporate the wisdom of the ancient Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu into both yoga practices and life in general. Often, the spiritual tool box for yoga has a Hindu flavor. This presentation also explores some of the styles of stretching and meditation from China. They are compatible with, but distinct from Indian forms.
Death Doula Group Worshops. Stacie works as a death doula. She can create a workshop that includes principles from yin yoga, This isn’t just for the elderly or terminally ill (though of course it is ideal for such audiences), it is a way to confront mortality for all folks. After this session, you will have in hand your advance directives, which is helpful for individual wellbeing, but especially valuable for family and loved ones.
Contemplative Prayer. Stacie can offer a separate sectional presentation on spiritual prayer practices in the, along with participatory exercises, for individuals and groups who are more comfortable within a Western Christian tradition rather than an Eastern framework.
Stacie, preparing for a late evening session of yin style yoga, she calls “Stretching with Jesus,” which combines classic and innovative postures with contemplative prayer from the Christian tradition.